BS Resources
Some documents and links on this page are mostly specific for Boy Scout Troop 414.
Troop 414 Policy on Community Service Hours - What types of Community Services are considered, Who can approve community service hours before it will be done
The Boy Scout Handbook (online) - The online version of the Boy Scout Handbook. Boy Scouts are required to purchase the printed version to use outdoor and record progress for Eagle Merit Badge.
Scout Oath & Scout Law - Scout Oath & Scout Law
Patrol Meeting - Roles and Responsibilities - Each patrol must use this meeting structure and guide in every patrol meeting.
New Scout Items - New Scouts need to purchase a few items to be in uniform. Please refer to the "New Scout Items" document for more details.
LDTD Flag Ceremony - Flag Ceremony Procedure of Lien Doan Trung Duong
Guide to Advancement - 2015 Edition - BSA Guide to Advancement - 2015 Edition
2014 BSA Medical Form ABC - New: 2014 BSA Medical Form A,B,C required for BS Camping