About Us

Due to COVID-19 situation, Liên Đoàn Hướng Đạo Trùng Dương is currently not active

Liên Đoàn Hướng Đạo Trùng Dương is a form of united units of Scouts, with Boy Scouts Troop 414 (Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council) and Girl Scouts Troop 60614 (Girl Scouts of Northern California), primarily following BSA and GSUSA guidelines with a secondary emphasis in Vietnamese Scouting Tradition.  We base in San Jose, California.  We are bilingual.  Among other Vietnamese Scouting traditions, we often speak Vietnamese, sing Vietnamese Scout songs, and eat Vietnamese food.

We have regular troop meetings; however, we spend most of our time camping, hiking, geocaching, biking, canoeing, and other outdoor activities.  "Scouting is two-thirds outing," goes an old Boy Scout saying... The outdoors is where you'll find the action of Scouting.  It's where you can roam open country, find your way with a map and a compass, and practice plenty of other Scouting skills.  The promise of Scouting has room to unfold in the outdoors.  Character, leadership, and good decision-making really do matter [The Boy Scout Handbook 12th Ed., p206]